• Cambodia
  • Prasat Bakong
  • Prasat Bakong, Cambodia

    Top Spots in and near Prasat Bakong

    • Prasat Bakong, Cambodia

      Explore Preah Ko Temple

      Preah Ko, also known as Prasat Preah Ko, is part of the Roluos Group. There is a walkway approaching the temple towers which I found to be impressive and interesting to photograph. There are six towers in all, three in front and three behind.  The towers sit on top of a low platform and are clos...
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    • Prasat Bakong, Cambodia

      Explore Bakong Temple

      Bakong Temple, also known as Prasat Bakong, is part of the Roluos Group located southeast of Siem Reap. It is the largest complex of the Roluos Group.  Bakong constructed in the 9th century as can be seen by the construction material and the outer tower styles similar to Preah Ko and Lolei, also ...
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    • Prasat Bakong, Cambodia

      Explore Lolei Temple

      Lolei Temple (also called Prasat Lolei), is part of the Roluos Group southeast of Siem Reap. It was built if the 9th century and consists of 4 towers. The brick towers have not been restored but some restoration is underway on the main tower. There are some well preserved carvings inlaid into the...
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    • Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

      Explore Pre Rup

      This temple is of the "Mountain" style, meaning, it is built upward and is relatively a square layout. It has an outer wall and three tiers. The top tier has 5 towers, one tower at each corner and then one tower in the center.There are several other smaller towers around the complex as well.Pre R...
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    • Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

      Explore Prasat Kravan

      Prasat Kravan is a small temple in an open area south of Banteay Kdei and Sras Srang.  The temple is a row of five brick towers with the central tower being the tallest. The towers are aligned north to south and are constructed in the Khmer style. Inside the central tower you will find the best p...
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    • Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

      Explore Banteay Kdei Temple

      Banteay  Kdei complex is located southeast of Ta Prohm and typically visited as part of the small circuit through Angkor. It is best for your Tuk Tuk driver to drop you off at the west end of the temple and wait for you at the east end of the temple.  This way you can make your way through the te...
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    • Prasat Bakong, Cambodia

      Explore East Mebon

      East Mebon is a temple that was built in the 10th century. The unique thing about East Mebon is that it is actually built on an island. The island is in the middle of what was a man made reservoir called East Baray. The reservoir is now try so you have to use your imagine nation when exploring Ea...
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    • Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

      Explore Ta Prohm Temple

      This is probably my favorite of all the Angkor temples. Ta Prohm is also referred to as Temple of the Jungle. Much has been untouched by Archeologist other than to clear paths through the ruins. Ta Prohm was built in the late 12 century. It is a fairly large complex of towers and corridors linkin...
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    • Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

      Find the Ta Prohm Stegosaurus

      0.2 mi
      This little carving has become quite popular in recent years. Some think it is evidence that dinosaurs existed during human times. Being that Ta Prohm was constructed around the 12 century, they hardly had the technology to determine what a Stegosaurus looked like even if they unearthed some dino...
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    • Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

      Watch Sunrise at Angkor Wat

      You'll want to leave your hotel or hostel in Siem Reap by 5am at the latest. Don't bother pre-arranging transportation, there will be tuk tuk drivers roaming the streets looking for people headed to the temple. If you haven't bought your Angkor Wat pass yet, I'd recommend leaving even earlier. T...
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    • Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

      Climb the Bakan of Angkor Wat

      0.2 mi / 164 ft gain
      Angkor Wat was constructed in the 12th century during the golden years of the Khmer Empire. King Suryavarman II built the Hindu temple to the God Vishnu. The central tower and courtyard represent Mount Meru, home of the gods, which for centuries could only be seen by the elite priests. Centuries ...
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    • Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

      Hike the Outer Wall Trail of Angkor Wat

      2 mi
      I haven't seen this trail really called anything. The explorer in me likes to check out paths less taken. This is truly one of them. It could be that few people know it even exists. Most, probably have a limited time to visit all that Angkor Archeological Park has to offer, so don't seek out a tr...
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    • Siem Reap, Cambodia

      Explore Ta Som Temple

      Ta Som is located along the Grand Circuit road after passing Neak Pean and was built in the late 12 century. The interesting thing about Ta Som is that none of it has been restored, with the exception of clear undergrowth vegetation. Also, there is a gate tower at the entrance with four faces of ...
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    • Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

      Explore Chau Say Tevoda Temple

      This is a small temple just east of the Victory Gate from Angkor Thom. It is very similar to Thommanon Temple which is just across the road. Both are Hindu temples constructed in the 12 century.A nice stop to do along with Thommanon Temple when touring the small circuit around Angkor. Chau Say Te...
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    • Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

      Explore Baksei Cham Krong

      Baksei Cham Krong means, The bird that shelters under its wings. The legend is that during an attack on Angkor, the king was sheltered by a large bird that spread it's wings and saved the king. Baksei Cham Krong is only one temple. It is constructed out of different materials from what you see at...
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    • Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

      Explore Thommanon Temple

      Thommanon Temple is a Hindu temple built in the 12th century. It is rather small and located as you exit from Angkor Thom through the Victory Gate. A short way after you exit the Victory Gate, Thommanon is on the left.  The grounds of the complex are flat and open with all the underbrush cleared ...
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    Exploring Angkor Archaeological Park: The Grand Circuit

    John Maurizi

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    Explore These Temples in Cambodia
